Today, the dominance of technology in all production processes is increasing and accordingly, it has become a necessity for experts trained at all levels to work collectively. For example, no treatment process can be carried out only by physicians or nurses without a specialist technician. It is observed that new technicians are needed in our country to meet the demand, considering the number of technicians per capita in developed countries,
Işık University Vocational School was established with this perspective, and trains qualified students that many sectors need as workforce. Our vocational school, located on our Maslak campus, in the heart of the city, has been continuing its education and training activities since 2013. Since 2021, the programs within the Vocational School of Health Services have been combined under the roof of our Vocational School.
Işık University, which continues its educational activities as a part of the Feyziye Schools Foundation, established in 1885, is an important part of this educational culture that has existed for more than a hundred years. Our graduates, namely technicians from Işık, who complete their studies at our university founded with the vision of "raising good people" and who shape their academic activities in this direction, successfully represent our university in professional life with the education they received and the modern approaches they acquired.
In our opinion, it is a privilege to be educated at Işık University, and we believe that this privilege is actualized by fulfilling social responsibilities as enlightened people who protect the values of our Republic.
Meslek Yüksekokulumuzun vizyonu, sahip olduğu nitelikli altyapı ve donanımlı akademik kadrosuyla geleceğin çok yönlü bireylerini yetiştirmektir.
Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Yiğit Şerif KARABULUT
Meslek Yüksekokulu Müdürü
1885 yılında kurulan Feyziye Mektepleri Vakfı bünyesinde eğitim – öğretim faaliyetlerini sürdüren Işık Üniversitesi yüz yılı aşkın bir süredir var olan bu eğitim kültürünün önemli bir parçasıdır. "İyi insan yetiştirmek" vizyonu ile yola çıkan ve bu doğrultuda akademik faaliyetlerini şekillendiren üniversitemizden mezun olan ön lisans öğrencilerimiz, yani Işıklı teknikerler, aldıkları eğitim ve edindikleri çağdaş yaklaşımlarla çalışma hayatında üniversitemizi başarıyla temsil etmektedirler.
Biz Işıklı olmanın bir ayrıcalık olduğunu düşünmekteyiz ve bu ayrıcalığın Cumhuriyetimizin değerlerine sahip çıkan aydınlık fikirli kişiler olarak toplumda yerini alarak mümkün olduğunu inanmaktayız.