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Ders Programı

Slot CodeSlot NameLocal CreditECTS
BİTE1001Computer Literacy01
CORE0101History of Turkish Republic I22
CORE0103Turkish I22
ENGL1201General English I34
ORDE0201Nature, Science, Human I35
ORDE0301Numbers, Formulas, Human I35
ORDE0501Art, Society, Human23
YÖBİ1113Introduction to Algorithms37
Total of Semester Local Credits ECTS:1830
Slot CodeSlot NameLocal CreditECTS
CORE0102History of Turkish Republic II22
CORE0104Turkish II22
ENGL1202General English II34
MATE1301Mathematics I35
ORDE0106Career Planning01
ORDE0202Nature, Science, Human II35
ORDE0401Society, Science and Human34
YÖBİ1114Introduction to Programming37
Total of Semester Local Credits ECTS:1930
Slot CodeSlot NameLocal CreditECTS
ENGL2203General English 3A34
İŞLE1302Principles of Management36
MATE2205Applied Probability and Statistics for Engineers36
ORDE0107Creative Thinking and Problem Solving23
ORDE0108Büyük Eserler (Major Works)23
ORDE0402Ethics, Law and Society23
YÖBİ1121Fundamentals of Information Systems35
Total of Semester Local Credits ECTS:1830
Slot CodeSlot NameLocal CreditECTS
ENGL2204General English 4A34
İŞLE3441Principles of Marketing36
MATE2103Discrete Mathematics36
YÖBİ1106Database Systems and Applications36
YÖBİ2244Information Systems Analysis and Design37
YÖBİ2291Industrial Training I11
Total of Semester Local Credits ECTS:1630
Slot CodeSlot NameLocal CreditECTS
BİTE4433Data Warehousing and Data Mining36
İŞLE2111Financial Accounting36
MATE2203Statistics I35
YÖBİ1101Java for Information Management37
YÖBİ2213Web Design and Programming36
Total of Semester Local Credits ECTS:1530
Slot CodeSlot NameLocal CreditECTS
EKON1005Introduction to Economics35
İŞLE2114Managerial Accounting35
YÖBİ1102Advanced Java for Information Management37
YÖBİ3116Advanced Database Systems37
YÖBİ3391Industrial Training II11
YÖBİ-GE-IGeneral Elective-I35
Total of Semester Local Credits ECTS:1630
Slot CodeSlot NameLocal CreditECTS
YÖBİ-AE-IArea Elective-I35
YÖBİ-AE-IIArea Elective-II35
YÖBİ-GE-IIGeneral Elective-II35
YÖBİ-GE-IIIGeneral Elective-III35
Total of Semester Local Credits ECTS:1530
Slot CodeSlot NameLocal CreditECTS
YÖBİ4461Internet of Things35
YÖBİ-AE-IIIArea Elective-III35
YÖBİ-AE-IVArea Elective-IV35
YÖBİ-AE-VArea Elective-V35
YÖBİ-GE-IVGeneral Elective-IV35
YÖBİ-GE-VGeneral Elective-V35
Total of Semester Local Credits ECTS:1830

Slot CodeSlot NameLocal CreditECTS
CORE0101History of Turkish Republic I22
CORE0103Turkish I22
CORE0201Nature, Science, Human I35
CORE0301Numbers, Formulas, Human I35
CORE0501Art, Society, Human23
ENGL1101Academic English 134
ITEC1001Computer Literacy01
MISY1113Introduction to Algorithms37
Total of Semester Local Credits ECTS:1830
Slot CodeSlot NameLocal CreditECTS
CORE0102History of Turkish Republic II22
CORE0104Turkish II22
CORE0106Career Planning01
CORE0202Nature, Science, Human II35
CORE0401Society, Science and Human34
ENGL1102Academic English 234
MATH1301Mathematics I35
MISY1114Introduction to Programming37
Total of Semester Local Credits ECTS:1930
Slot CodeSlot NameLocal CreditECTS
BUSI1302Principles of Management36
CORE0107Yaratıcı Düşünme ve Problem Çözme (Creative Thinking and Problem Solving)23
CORE0402Ethics, Law and Society23
ENGL2103Advanced Academic English 1A34
MATH2205Applied Probability and Statistics for Engineers36
MISY1121Fundamentals of Information Systems35
Total of Semester Local Credits ECTS:1830
Slot CodeSlot NameLocal CreditECTS
BUSI3441Principles of Marketing36
ENGL2104Advanced Academic English 2A34
MATH2103Discrete Mathematics36
MISY1106Database Systems and Applications36
MISY2244Information Systems Analysis and Design37
MISY2291Industrial Training I11
Total of Semester Local Credits ECTS:1630
Slot CodeSlot NameLocal CreditECTS
BUSI2111Financial Accounting36
ITEC4433Data Warehousing and Data Mining36
MATH2203Statistics I35
MISY1101Java for Information Management37
MISY2213Web Design and Programming36
Total of Semester Local Credits ECTS:1530
Slot CodeSlot NameLocal CreditECTS
BUSI2114Managerial Accounting35
ECON1005Introduction to Economics35
MISY1102Advanced Java for Information Management37
MISY3116Advanced Database Systems37
MISY3391Industrial Training II11
MISY-GE-IGeneral Elective-I35
Total of Semester Local Credits ECTS:1630
Slot CodeSlot NameLocal CreditECTS
MISY-AE-IArea Elective-I35
MISY-AE-IIArea Elective-II35
MISY-GE-IIGeneral Elective-II35
MISY-GE-IIIGeneral Elective-III35
Total of Semester Local Credits ECTS:1530
Slot CodeSlot NameLocal CreditECTS
MISY4461Internet of Things35
MISY-AE-IIIArea Elective-III35
MISY-AE-IVArea Elective-IV35
MISY-AE-VArea Elective-V35
MISY-GE-IVGeneral Elective-IV35
MISY-GE-VGeneral Elective-V35
Total of Semester Local Credits ECTS:1830

Slot CodeSlot NameLocal CreditECTS
BUSI1302Principles of Management36
ENGL1101Academic English 134
MATH1301Mathematics I35
MISY1111Fundamentals of Information Systems36
MISY1113Introduction to Algorithms37
TURK1201Turkish I22
TURK1201Turkish I22
Total of Semester Local Credits ECTS:1932
Slot CodeSlot NameLocal CreditECTS
ECON1005Introduction to Economics35
ENGL1102Academic English 234
MATH2103Discrete Mathematics36
MISY1112Mathematics for Management Information Systems36
MISY1114Introduction to Programming37
TURK1202Turkish II22
TURK1202Turkish II22
Total of Semester Local Credits ECTS:1932
Slot CodeSlot NameLocal CreditECTS
ENGL2103Advanced Academic English 1A34
HIST1101History of Turkish Republic I22
HIST1101History of Turkish Republic I22
MATH2203Statistics I35
MISY1101Java for Information Management37
MISY2213Web Design and Programming36
MISY-GE-IGeneral Elective-I35
Total of Semester Local Credits ECTS:1931
Slot CodeSlot NameLocal CreditECTS
ENGL2104Advanced Academic English 2A34
HIST1102History of Turkish Republic II22
MISY1102Advanced Java for Information Management37
MISY1106Database Systems and Applications36
MISY2224Information Systems Analysis and Design36
MISY2224Information Systems Analysis and Design36
MISY2291Industrial Training I11
MISY-GE-IIGeneral Elective-II35
Total of Semester Local Credits ECTS:2137
Slot CodeSlot NameLocal CreditECTS
BUSI3221Business Finance36
BUSI3331Organizational Behavior36
BUSI4573Business Project Management36
ITEC4433Data Warehousing and Data Mining36
MISY-AE-IArea Elective-I35
Total of Semester Local Credits ECTS:1630
Slot CodeSlot NameLocal CreditECTS
BUSI1732Business Law35
BUSI1732Business Law35
BUSI3222Corporate Finance36
BUSI3444Consumer Behavior36
MATH2205Applied Probability and Statistics for Engineers36
MISY3106Advanced Database Systems36
MISY3106Advanced Database Systems36
MISY3391Industrial Training II11
Total of Semester Local Credits ECTS:2241
Slot CodeSlot NameLocal CreditECTS
MISY-AE-IIArea Elective-II35
MISY-AE-IIIArea Elective-III35
MISY-GE-IIIGeneral Elective-III35
MISY-GE-IVGeneral Elective-IV35
Total of Semester Local Credits ECTS:1530
Slot CodeSlot NameLocal CreditECTS
MISY4461Internet of Things35
MISY-AE-IVArea Elective-IV35
MISY-AE-VArea Elective-V35
MISY-AE-VIArea Elective-VI35
MISY-GE-VGeneral Elective-V35
MISY-GE-VIGeneral Elective-VI35
Total of Semester Local Credits ECTS:1830

Slot CodeSlot NameLocal CreditECTS
ENGL1201General English I34
İŞLE1302Principles of Management36
MATE1301Mathematics I35
TÜRK1201Turkish I22
YÖBİ1111Fundamentals of Information Systems36
YÖBİ1113Introduction to Algorithms37
Total of Semester Local Credits ECTS:1730
Slot CodeSlot NameLocal CreditECTS
EKON1005Introduction to Economics35
ENGL1202General English II34
MATE2103Discrete Mathematics36
TÜRK1202Turkish II22
YÖBİ1112Mathematics for Management Information Systems36
YÖBİ1114Introduction to Programming37
Total of Semester Local Credits ECTS:1730
Slot CodeSlot NameLocal CreditECTS
ENGL2203General English 3A34
MATE2203Statistics I35
TARH1101History of Turkish Republic I22
YÖBİ1101Java for Information Management37
YÖBİ2213Web Design and Programming36
YÖBİ-GE-IGeneral Elective-I35
Total of Semester Local Credits ECTS:1729
Slot CodeSlot NameLocal CreditECTS
ENGL2204General English 4A34
TARH1102History of Turkish Republic II22
YÖBİ1102Advanced Java for Information Management37
YÖBİ1106Database Systems and Applications36
YÖBİ2224Information Systems Analysis and Design36
YÖBİ2224Information Systems Analysis and Design36
YÖBİ2291Industrial Training I11
YÖBİ-GE-IIGeneral Elective-II35
Total of Semester Local Credits ECTS:2137
Slot CodeSlot NameLocal CreditECTS
BİTE4433Data Warehousing and Data Mining36
İŞLE3221Business Finance36
İŞLE3331Organizational Behavior36
İŞLE4573Business Project Management36
YÖBİ-AE-IArea Elective-I35
Total of Semester Local Credits ECTS:1630
Slot CodeSlot NameLocal CreditECTS
İŞLE1732Business Law35
İŞLE3222Corporate Finance36
İŞLE3444Consumer Behavior36
MATE2205Applied Probability and Statistics for Engineers36
YÖBİ3106Advanced Database Systems36
YÖBİ3106Advanced Database Systems36
YÖBİ3391Industrial Training II11
Total of Semester Local Credits ECTS:1936
Slot CodeSlot NameLocal CreditECTS
YÖBİ-AE-IIArea Elective-II35
YÖBİ-AE-IIIArea Elective-III35
YÖBİ-GE-IIIGeneral Elective-III35
YÖBİ-GE-IVGeneral Elective-IV35
Total of Semester Local Credits ECTS:1530
Slot CodeSlot NameLocal CreditECTS
YÖBİ4461Internet of Things35
YÖBİ-AE-IVArea Elective-IV35
YÖBİ-AE-VArea Elective-V35
YÖBİ-AE-VIArea Elective-VI35
YÖBİ-GE-VGeneral Elective-V35
YÖBİ-GE-VIGeneral Elective-VI35
Total of Semester Local Credits ECTS:1830
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