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Ders Programı

Slot CodeSlot NameLocal CreditECTS
CORE0101History of Turkish Republic I22
CORE0103Turkish I22
CORE0201Nature, Science, Human I35
CORE0301Numbers, Formulas, Human I35
CORE0501Art, Society, Human23
ECON1007Introduction to Microeconomics36
ENGL1101Academic English 134
ITEC1001Computer Literacy01
Total of Semester Local Credits ECTS:1829
Slot CodeSlot NameLocal CreditECTS
CORE0102History of Turkish Republic II22
CORE0104Turkish II22
CORE0106Career Planning01
CORE0202Nature, Science, Human II35
ECON1008Introduction to Macroeconomics36
ENGL1102Academic English 234
MATH1301Mathematics I35
POLS1201Introduction to Political Science36
Total of Semester Local Credits ECTS:1931
Slot CodeSlot NameLocal CreditECTS
CORE0107Yaratıcı Düşünme ve Problem Çözme (Creative Thinking and Problem Solving)23
CORE0401Society, Science and Human34
CORE0402Ethics, Law and Society23
IREL2401Introduction to International Politics36
IREL2605Diplomatic History I36
MATH2207Statistics for Economics and Administrative Sciences I36
MATH2207Statistics for Economics and Administrative Sciences I36
Total of Semester Local Credits ECTS:2137
Slot CodeSlot NameLocal CreditECTS
ENGL2101Advanced Academic English 1B35
IREL2606Diplomatic History II36
POLS1502Fundamentals of Law36
POLS2204Introduction to Comparative Politics36
POLS2222Social Science Research Methods36
Total of Semester Local Credits ECTS:1529
Slot CodeSlot NameLocal CreditECTS
ECON3401Public Finance36
POLS3201Political Theory I37
POLS3231Political Parties and Interest Groups37
POLS-AE-IArea Elective-I35
POLS-GE-IGeneral Elective-I35
Total of Semester Local Credits ECTS:1530
Slot CodeSlot NameLocal CreditECTS
BUSI1302Principles of Management36
POLS3202Political Theory II37
POLS3256Political Economy36
POLS3548Turkish Constitutional Law36
POLS-GE-IIGeneral Elective-II35
Total of Semester Local Credits ECTS:1530
Slot CodeSlot NameLocal CreditECTS
POLS4601Turkish Politics36
POLS4801Directed Readings in Political Science33
POLS-AE-IIArea Elective-II35
POLS-AE-IIIArea Elective-III35
POLS-AE-IVArea Elective-IV35
POLS-GE-IIIGeneral Elective-III35
Total of Semester Local Credits ECTS:1829
Slot CodeSlot NameLocal CreditECTS
IREL4446Middle East in International Politics35
POLS4246Public Policy36
POLS-AE-VArea Elective-V35
POLS-AE-VIArea Elective-VI35
POLS-GE-IVGeneral Elective-IV35
POLS-GE-VGeneral Elective-V35
Total of Semester Local Credits ECTS:1831