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In order to connect to the Internet, students staying in the dormitories use their e-mail addresses in the format of as their user names and e-mail passwords provided by the Computer Center. The students enter the system by connecting to the Ethernet cable supplied for them. In the meantime, the system will assign an IP address to the user automatically and a hotspot screen to enter their user names and passwords will pop up when they want to access the Internet.

Students staying in the dormitories should register for the system by clicking on the "Add User" link on the web page once. For registration, the students should enter First Name, Last Surname, Dormitory-room information, Student ID Number, and e-mail address and passwords given by Işık University. MAC addresses (physical addresses) of users computers will be obtained by the system automatically and entered to the form. Students who do not know their e-mail addresses and/or passwords will not be able to browse the Web. Students can view the Işık University web page, e-mail page, and Campus Course Online pages without user name and passwords.

Definitions and General Principles
  • This Email Policy defines all of the rules applicable to all "FMV Işık University" users
  • The users are academic and administrative personnel together with research assistants and other workers.
  • The domain serves FMV Işık University personnel.
  • The individuals using e-mail accounts belonging to the domain shall not act against regulations or laws of the Turkish Republic; procedures and principles requested by Turkish National Academic Network and Information Center (ULAKBIM), an institute of Scientific and Technological Research Council Türkiye (TUBITAK); and FMV Işık University Regulations.
  • University personnel are given an e-mail address together with the domain and the user name presented in the request letter. If no user name is indicated in the letter, a e-mail account is opened. User name and passwords are private, and there are no similar ones in the domain * domain.
  • The user password is known only by the user. The user is able to change the password via Web mail, any time he/she wants. The choice of the password and its protection are the responsibility of the user. The IT Department is not responsible for any problems caused by the use of passwords.
  • Users who forget their passwords shall apply to the IT Department of FMV Işık University.
  • All of our personnel are given a 500 MB e-mail quota. This quota may be increased to 1 GB upon the request and needs of the users. In order to avoid a reaching their quota, users should not keep large e-mails in their e-mail accounts, or they should to use e-mail management programs. For example, programs like Outlook, Outlook Express, Thunderbird, Eudora, etc. can be used to archive e-mails in accounts. When adding your Işık e-mail accounts to these programs, help from IT Department can be requested.
  • All Işık University personnel are automatically included in the "isikall" mail group, academic personnel in the "academic" mail group, administrative personnel in the "administrative" mail group, EFL personnel in the "eflall" mail group, assistants and technicians in related faculty mail groups. Users can only send e-mails to the groups they are included in.
  • Mail accounts of the personnel and administrative personnel who have left Işık University are kept for 90 and 60 days, respectively. At the end of this period, the e-mail account is deleted. If requested, the e-mail account may be directed to another mail account at the end of the period stated above, so an e-mail would no longer come to e-mail accounts, rather the received mail would be directed to the e-mail address specified. The maximum period for e-mail forwarding is 60 days. At the end of this period, the IT department has right to close the account without notice.
  • E-mail owners take responsibility for their personal opinions, thoughts and statements, and files and/or information added to the electronic media. FMV Işık University shall not be responsible for e-mails and attached files.
  • E-mail owners agree that they shall not keep any software or material making Işık University liable to either individuals or institutions. E-mail owners shall not keep any material that would be harmful to the e-mail web site of Işık University. In the event of any legal issues, they shall take legal and criminal responsibility.
  • E-mail owners agree that Işık University shall not be responsible for missing and/or lost information, messages, and files or for e-mail delivery to wrong addresses during the use of the e-mail service.
  • The e-mail owner is responsible for all adjustments and directions performed with the e-mail account. The IT department shall not be held responsible for processes related to account settings.
  • The e-mail owner agrees that Işık University's IT department is not responsible for delays and losses caused by technical problems (malfunctions, updates, transfers etc.).
  • E-mail owners agree that Işık University's IT department shall not be responsible for any pecuniary and immaterial damages arising from the reading of e-mails by unauthorized individuals (for example, when e-mail owners share confidential information with third parties or when e-mail owners do not log out from a website, etc.)
  • E-mail owners agree that they shall not send or keep information about programs harmful to computers of other individuals or institutions, information found in these computers, or software, and that they shall be responsible for legal and criminal cases arising from these situations.
  • E-mail users agree that any information or material obtained through the University e-mail service shall be of their own accord; that all of the errors in their computers, information loss, and other losses arising from these information or materials shall be their responsibility; and that Işık University shall not be responsible for the possible damages caused by the use of e-mail service.
  • E-mail owners agree that they shall not send or keep racist, discriminatory, commercial, political, abusive and threatening e-mails that are contrary to public mores, customs, Turkish law, laws of other countries of which they are citizens and that they shall be responsible for possible legal and criminal situations arising from this.
  • E-mail owners agree that they shall not send forbidden or confidential e-mails in accordance with Turkish Republic Laws, that they shall not distribute unauthorized e-mails, and that they will be responsible for any legal situations arising from these.
  • E-mail owners agree that they shall not distribute chain mail or mail with software viruses to other e-mail accounts and that they shall be responsible for legal situations arising from these.
  • E-mail owners agree that they shall not send random or spam mail and they are responsible for legal situations arising from these conditions.
  • E-mail owners agree that they shall be responsible for any process performed via their e-mail user name.
  • E-mail owners shall not directly or indirectly transfer their user rights to third parties and shall not hire third parties responsible for using these accounts.
  • If e-mail owners violate rules and laws, e-mail owners agree that Işık University's IT department has the right to perform necessary actions, to suspend the individual, and to end memberships.
  • If e-mail owners act violate rules and laws, e-mail owners agree that FMV Işık University authorities have the right to give verbal or written warnings, to suspend the individual with or without limitation, to start an administrative investigation, and to inform the judicial system.
  • Even if the e-mail owner cancels the e-mail account unilaterally, the e-mail owner accepts the responsibility of actions performed before the cancellation process.
  • During the use of Işık University e-mail services by e-mail owners, e-mail owners agree that the information reposted to related departments is correct, that they are responsible for harm arising from incorrect information or missing information in situations requiring this information (like forgetting the passwords), and that e-mail shall be cancelled if the information is not correct or complete.
  • The user AGREES AND UNDERTAKES that he/she has read these articles without any objections.